I requisiti per Ad DNA prot in questa reazione erano simili a quelli per la replicazione del DNA in vitro. Quando dATP, dTTP e ddGTP 2 ′, 3′-dideossinucleoside trifosfato (ddNTP) sono stati incorporati nella miscela di reazione, è stato rilevato un complesso allungato che consisteva in una proteina di 80.000 dalton legata a un oligonucleotide a 26 basi.
La formazione di un prodotto esteso, ma non del complesso proteina-dCMP, è stata inibita da ddATP , ddCTP o ddTTP. I requisiti per la formazione del complesso proteina-dCMP, la natura del legame tra la proteina e il dCMP, la dimensione della proteina e l’esistenza delle forme allungate indicavano che la proteina legata al complesso era identica alla proteina terminale Ad di 80.000 dalton trovato sulla replicazione di molecole di DNA come descritto in Challberg et al. [Chalberg, MD, Desiderio, SV & Kelly, TJ, Jr. (1980) Proc. Natl. Accad. Scienza. USA 77, 5105-5109].
Fosforilazione differenziale di azidotimidina, dideossicitidina e dideossiinosina nelle cellule mononucleate del sangue periferico a riposo e attivate.
L’attività antivirale di azidotimidina (AZT), dideossicitidina (ddC) e dideossiinosina (ddI) contro l’HIV-1 è stata confrontata in PBM stimolato con PHA.
La concentrazione media del farmaco che produceva il 50% di colture negative per p24 Gag era sostanzialmente diversa: 0,06, 0,2 e 6 microM rispettivamente per AZT, ddC e ddI. Abbiamo scoperto che l’AZT era preferenzialmente fosforilato nella forma trifosfato (TP) in PHA-PBM piuttosto che in PBM a riposo non stimolato (R-PBM), producendo un rapporto AZTTP / dTTP da 10 a 17 volte superiore in PHA-PBM rispetto a R – PBM .
La fosforilazione di ddC e ddI nelle loro forme TP, tuttavia, era significativamente meno efficiente in PHA-PBM, risultando in rapporti ddCTP / dCTP e ddATP / dATP circa 5 volte inferiori e circa 15 volte inferiori , rispettivamente, in PHA-PBM rispetto a R-PBM .
È stata studiata la sequenza comparativa dell’aumento dell’attività enzimatica cellulare indotto da PHA: timidina chinasi >> uridina chinasi >> deossicitidina chinasi >> adenosina chinasi >> 5′-nucleotidasi.
Concludiamo che AZT, ddC e ddI esercitano un effetto antivirale sproporzionato a seconda dello stato di attivazione delle cellule bersaglio, ovvero ddI e ddC esercitano il loro effetto antivirale in modo più favorevole nelle cellule a riposo rispetto alle cellule attivate, mentre l’AZT protegge preferenzialmente le cellule attivate dall’infezione da HIV . Dato che la sintesi del DNA provirale dell’HIV-1 nei linfociti a riposo inizia a livelli paragonabili ai linfociti attivati, i dati attuali dovrebbero avere rilevanza pratica nella progettazione della chemioterapia anti-HIV, in particolare della chemioterapia combinata.
Polimerizzazione con bypass dell’addotto del DNA da parte di Dpo4 Sulfolobus solfataricus DNA polimerasi: analisi e strutture cristalline della sostituzione di coppie multi-base e prodotti di frame shift dell’1, N2-etenoguanina addotto.
- , N (2) -Etheno (epsilon) guanina è un’alterazione mutagena del DNA derivata da prodotti di ossidazione dei lipidi e da alcuni agenti cancerogeni chimici. L’analisi elettroforetica su gel dei prodotti di estensione del primer di Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 (Dpo4) DNA polimerasi IV ha mostrato l’inclusione preferenziale dell’opposto 3 ‘- (1, N (2) -epsilon-G) TACT-5’ A tra i quattro dNTP testati individualmente. Con un 3 ‘matrice – (1, N (2) -epsilon-G) CACT-5’, sono stati inclusi sia G che A.
- Quando l’estensione del primer è stata eseguita in presenza di una miscela di tutti e quattro i dNTP, la cromatografia liquida ad alta pressione-spettrometria di massa dei prodotti ha mostrato che (al contrario di 3 ‘- (1, N (2) -epsilon-G) CACT-5 ‘) il prodotto principale era 5’ -GTGA-3 ′ e il prodotto secondario era 5′-AGTGA-3 ′.
- Sulla matrice 3 ′ – (1, N (2) -epsilon-G) TACT-5 ′, i seguenti quattro prodotti sono stati identificati mediante cromatografia liquida ad alta pressione-spettrometria di massa: 5′-AATGA-3′, 5′-ATTGA -3′, 5′-ATGA-3′ e 5′-TGA-3′. La struttura cristallina dei raggi X di Dpo4 è stata risolta (2,1 A) con il modello di primer e A posizionato nel primer in modo che sia rivolto verso l’1, N (2) -epsilon-G nella matrice 3 ‘ – (1, N ( 2) – epsilon-G) SI 5 ′.
La A aggiunta nel sottofondo è stata accoppiata attraverso il modello a T con la classica geometria Watson-Crick. Strutture simili sono state osservate nel triplo complesso Dpo4-DNA-dATP e nel triplo complesso Dpo4-DNA-ddATP , con d (d) ATP opposto al modello T. Una struttura simile è stata osservata con ddGTP adiacente al primer e opposto a C accanto a 1, N (2) -epsilon- G a 3 ′ – (1, N (2) -epsilon-G) CACT-5 ′. Abbiamo concluso che Dpo4 utilizza diversi meccanismi, inclusa l’incorporazione di A opposto a 1, N (2) -epsilon-G, nonché una variazione di disallineamento stabilizzata da dNTP, per generare mutazioni di coppia di basi e frame shift.
Identificazione dell’attività della telomerasi non di processo da cellule di topo.
L’attività della telomerasi è stata identificata in estratti di diverse linee cellulari di topo. L’aggiunta di ripetizioni telomeriche TTAGGG era specifica per i primer oligonucleotidici telomerici e sensibile al pretrattamento con RNasi A.
A differenza delle centinaia di ripetizioni sintetizzate dalla telomerasi umana e dagli enzimi Tetrahymen in vitro, la telomerasi del topo ha sintetizzato solo una o due ripetizioni TTAGGG su primer telomerici.
I prodotti osservati dopo l’estensione del primer con sequenze permutate circolarmente (TTAGGG) 3 e la terminazione della catena ddATP o ddTTP hanno indicato che la telomerasi murina si è fermata dopo l’aggiunta del primo residuo dG nella sequenza TTAGGG.
La breve lunghezza dei prodotti sintetizzati dalla telomerasi di topo non era dovuta a un inibitore della diffusione nell’estratto di topo, poiché la telomerasi umana continuava a sintetizzare prodotti lunghi quando mescolata con il topo.
Gli esperimenti di Primer Challenge hanno mostrato che l’enzima umano sintetizzava TTAGGG lunghe ripetizioni processivemente in vitro, mentre la telomerasi murina sembrava essere molto meno processiva. L’identificazione di prodotti corti di telomerasi negli estratti di topo suggerisce che anche gli estratti di altri organismi possono generare solo prodotti corti. Questa conoscenza può aiutare a identificare l’attività della telomerasi negli organismi per i quali l’attività non è stata ancora rilevata.
Resistenza alla 2′, 3′-dideossicitidina conferita da una mutazione al codone 65 della trascrittasi inversa di tipo 1 del virus dell’immunodeficienza umana.
La variante del virus dell’immunodeficienza umana resistente alla zalcitabina di tipo 1 (2 ′, 3′-dideossicitidina [ddC]) è stata selezionata mediante passaggi successivi in presenza di concentrazioni crescenti di ddC in colture di cellule mononucleate del sangue periferico.
Una mutazione risultante nella sostituzione della lisina con l’arginina è stata notata nel codone 65 della trascrittasi inversa (RT) di questo virus selezionato dal ddC. Il virus mutante clonato con questa mutazione del codone 65 è stato costruito utilizzando un nuovo approccio PCR per la mutagenesi diretta al sito.
La caratterizzazione di questo virus ha confermato che la sostituzione di RT Lys-65 – >> Arg era necessaria e sufficiente per quadruplicare la concentrazione inibitoria di ddC del 50%, così come la resistenza alla didanosina (2′, 3′-dideossiinosina [ddI ]). ). Lys-65 – >> Arg e resistenza del virus a ddC e ddI si sono sviluppati anche durante il trattamento in isolati da un paziente trattato con ddC e due pazienti trattati con ddI.
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx034389-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | 281.25 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx034389-400ul | Abbexa | 400 ul | 627.6 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx034389-80l | Abbexa | 80 µl | 343.2 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx013541-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | 237.5 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
20-abx013541 | Abbexa |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx013541-10g | Abbexa | 10 µg | 43.75 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx013541-200g | Abbexa | 200 µg | 312.5 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx025618-400l | Abbexa | 400 µl | 518.75 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx025618-400ul | Abbexa | 400 ul | 627.6 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx025618-80l | Abbexa | 80 µl | 250 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx112272-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | 612.5 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
20-abx112272 | Abbexa |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx331767-100ul | Abbexa | 100 ul | 510 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx232740-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | 350 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx232740-100ug | Abbexa | 100 ug | 661.2 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx325861-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | 250 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
20-abx325861 | Abbexa |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Antibody |
abx325861-50g | Abbexa | 50 µg | 187.5 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) ELISA Kit |
abx595785-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | 764.4 EUR |
Lenti ORF clone of Human elongation factor RNA polymerase II (ELL), mGFP tagged |
RC208258L2 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Human elongation factor RNA polymerase II (ELL), mGFP tagged |
RC208258L4 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T7 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1230508-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 990 EUR |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T7 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1230508-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 550 EUR |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T7 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1230508-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 740 EUR |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T7 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1230508-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 660 EUR |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T7 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1230508-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 865 EUR |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T3 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1162761-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 980 EUR |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T3 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1162761-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 540 EUR |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T3 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1162761-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 730 EUR |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T3 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1162761-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 640 EUR |
Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T3 Bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor (2) |
MBS1162761-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 855 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) |
MBS644771-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 695 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) |
MBS644771-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 2975 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) |
MBS643758-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 695 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) |
MBS643758-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 2975 EUR |
Lenti ORF clone of Human elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 (ELL2), mGFP tagged |
RC206204L2 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Human elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 (ELL2), mGFP tagged |
RC206204L4 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Cell ELISA Kit |
abx595785-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | Ask for price |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Cell ELISA Kit |
abx595785-200g | Abbexa | 200 µg | Ask for price |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Cell ELISA Kit |
abx595785-50g | Abbexa | 50 µg | 493.75 EUR |
Lenti ORF clone of Ell (mGFP-tagged) - Mouse elongation factor RNA polymerase II (Ell) |
MR209325L4 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (AP) |
MBS6295270-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (AP) |
MBS6295270-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (PE) |
MBS6295280-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (PE) |
MBS6295280-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (AP) |
MBS6295281-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (AP) |
MBS6295281-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (PE) |
MBS6295291-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (PE) |
MBS6295291-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
Human Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) ELISA Kit |
abx387124-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | 687.5 EUR |
ELL3 (RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3, FLJ22637) |
MBS6002214-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05(mg | 630 EUR |
ELL3 (RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3, FLJ22637) |
MBS6002214-5x005mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.05mg | 2680 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (APC) |
MBS6295271-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (APC) |
MBS6295271-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (APC) |
MBS6295282-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (APC) |
MBS6295282-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
Lenti ORF clone of Human elongation factor RNA polymerase II (ELL), Myc-DDK-tagged |
RC208258L1 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Human elongation factor RNA polymerase II (ELL), Myc-DDK-tagged |
RC208258L3 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (FITC) |
MBS6295273-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (FITC) |
MBS6295273-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (FITC) |
MBS6295284-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (FITC) |
MBS6295284-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II (ELL) Blocking Peptide |
20-abx162410 | Abbexa |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (ELL) ELISA Kit |
abx521842-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | 687.5 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, ELL ELISA KIT |
ELI-26107h | Lifescience Market | 96 Tests | 988.8 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, Ell ELISA KIT |
ELI-10006m | Lifescience Market | 96 Tests | 1038 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, ELL ELISA Kit |
MBS9338647-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, ELL ELISA Kit |
MBS9338647-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, ELL ELISA Kit |
MBS9338647-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, ELL ELISA Kit |
MBS9338647-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Cat RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394039-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Rat RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394053-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Rat RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394053-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Rat RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394053-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Rat RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394053-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, ELL ELISA Kit |
MBS9335748-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, ELL ELISA Kit |
MBS9335748-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, ELL ELISA Kit |
MBS9335748-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL, ELL ELISA Kit |
MBS9335748-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
ELL (untagged)-Human elongation factor RNA polymerase II (ELL) |
SC111065 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Ell2 (mGFP-tagged) - Mouse elongation factor RNA polymerase II 2 (Ell2) |
MR215768L4 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Ell (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse elongation factor RNA polymerase II (Ell) |
MR209325L3 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Human elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 (ELL2), Myc-DDK-tagged |
RC206204L1 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Human elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 (ELL2), Myc-DDK-tagged |
RC206204L3 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (Biotin) |
MBS6295272-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (Biotin) |
MBS6295272-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (Biotin) |
MBS6295283-02mL | MyBiosource | 0.2mL | 980 EUR |
ELL3, CT (ELL3, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3) (Biotin) |
MBS6295283-5x02mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.2mL | 4250 EUR |
Cavy RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394040-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Duck RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394042-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Fish RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394043-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Goat RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394045-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 3 (ELL3) Antibody |
abx030154-400l | Abbexa | 400 µl | 518.75 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 3 (ELL3) Antibody |
abx030154-400ul | Abbexa | 400 ul | 627.6 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 3 (ELL3) Antibody |
abx030154-80l | Abbexa | 80 µl | 250 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 2 (ELL2) Antibody |
abx112274-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | 612.5 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 2 (ELL2) Antibody |
20-abx112274 | Abbexa |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 3 (ELL3) Antibody |
abx375728-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | 337.5 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 2 (ELL2) Antibody |
20-abx215132 | Abbexa |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 2 (ELL2) Antibody |
abx232741-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | 350 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 2 (ELL2) Antibody |
abx232741-100ug | Abbexa | 100 ug | 577.2 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 2 (ELL2) Antibody |
abx325195-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | 250 EUR |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 2 (ELL2) Antibody |
20-abx325195 | Abbexa |
Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 2 (ELL2) Antibody |
abx325195-50g | Abbexa | 50 µg | 187.5 EUR |
Lenti ORF clone of Ell (mGFP-tagged ORF) - Rat elongation factor RNA polymerase II (Ell), (10 ug) |
RR205997L4 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2 (ELL2) ELISA Kit |
abx521844-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | 687.5 EUR |
Ell3 ELISA Kit| Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3 |
EF014772 | Lifescience Market | 96 Tests | 826.8 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, Ell3 ELISA KIT |
ELI-27656m | Lifescience Market | 96 Tests | 1038 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, ELL3 ELISA KIT |
ELI-47045h | Lifescience Market | 96 Tests | 988.8 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, ELL2 ELISA KIT |
ELI-47295h | Lifescience Market | 96 Tests | 988.8 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, Ell2 ELISA KIT |
ELI-48151m | Lifescience Market | 96 Tests | 1038 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, ELL2 ELISA Kit |
MBS9339286-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, ELL2 ELISA Kit |
MBS9339286-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, ELL2 ELISA Kit |
MBS9339286-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, ELL2 ELISA Kit |
MBS9339286-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, ELL2 ELISA Kit |
MBS9337563-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, ELL2 ELISA Kit |
MBS9337563-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, ELL2 ELISA Kit |
MBS9337563-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2, ELL2 ELISA Kit |
MBS9337563-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Camel RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394038-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Camel RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394038-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Camel RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394038-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Camel RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394038-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Goose RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394044-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Horse RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394046-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Horse RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394046-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Horse RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394046-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Horse RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394046-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Mouse RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394049-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Mouse RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394049-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Mouse RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394049-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Mouse RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394049-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Sheep RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394054-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Sheep RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394054-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Sheep RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394054-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Sheep RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394054-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, ELL3 ELISA Kit |
MBS9325432-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, ELL3 ELISA Kit |
MBS9325432-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, ELL3 ELISA Kit |
MBS9325432-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, ELL3 ELISA Kit |
MBS9325432-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, ELL3 ELISA Kit |
MBS9328874-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, ELL3 ELISA Kit |
MBS9328874-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, ELL3 ELISA Kit |
MBS9328874-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3, ELL3 ELISA Kit |
MBS9328874-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Ell (GFP-tagged) - Mouse elongation factor RNA polymerase II (Ell) |
MG209325 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Bovine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394035-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Bovine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394035-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Bovine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394035-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Bovine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394035-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Canine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394036-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Canine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394036-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Canine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394036-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Canine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394036-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Donkey RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394041-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Monkey RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394048-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Monkey RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394048-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Monkey RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394048-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Monkey RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394048-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Pigeon RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394050-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Rabbit RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394052-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
ELL (GFP-tagged) - Human elongation factor RNA polymerase II (ELL) |
RG208258 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (Ell) |
MBS1233647-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 1460 EUR |
Recombinant Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (Ell) |
MBS1233647-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 1155 EUR |
Recombinant Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (Ell) |
MBS1233647-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 1220 EUR |
Recombinant Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (Ell) |
MBS1233647-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 1390 EUR |
Recombinant Mouse RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (Ell) |
MBS1233647-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 1430 EUR |
Recombinant Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (ELL) |
MBS954307-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 1475 EUR |
Recombinant Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (ELL) |
MBS954307-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 1180 EUR |
Recombinant Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (ELL) |
MBS954307-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 1235 EUR |
Recombinant Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (ELL) |
MBS954307-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 1420 EUR |
Recombinant Human RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL (ELL) |
MBS954307-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 1455 EUR |
Recombinant Lophopyrum elongatum DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha (rpoA) |
MBS1430596-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 1215 EUR |
Recombinant Lophopyrum elongatum DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha (rpoA) |
MBS1430596-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 870 EUR |
Recombinant Lophopyrum elongatum DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha (rpoA) |
MBS1430596-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 1005 EUR |
Recombinant Lophopyrum elongatum DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha (rpoA) |
MBS1430596-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 1045 EUR |
Recombinant Lophopyrum elongatum DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha (rpoA) |
MBS1430596-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 1145 EUR |
Rat Elongation Factor RNA Polymerase II-Like 3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
abx521848-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | 687.5 EUR |
Ell (untagged ORF) - Rat elongation factor RNA polymerase II (Ell), (10 ug) |
RN205997 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Chicken RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394037-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Hamster RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394047-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Hamster RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394047-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Hamster RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394047-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Hamster RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394047-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Porcine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394051-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Porcine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394051-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Porcine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394051-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Porcine RNA Polymerase II Elongation Factor ELL3 (ELL3) ELISA Kit |
MBS9394051-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Ell (untagged) - Mouse elongation factor RNA polymerase II (Ell), (10ug) |
MC202922 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
ELL2 (untagged)-Human elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 (ELL2) |
SC115584 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
Lenti ORF clone of Ell2 (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse elongation factor RNA polymerase II 2 (Ell2) |
MR215768L3 | Origene Technologies GmbH | 10 µg | Ask for price |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (MaxLight 405) |
MBS6295275-01mL | MyBiosource | 0.1mL | 980 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (MaxLight 405) |
MBS6295275-5x01mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mL | 4250 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (MaxLight 490) |
MBS6295276-01mL | MyBiosource | 0.1mL | 980 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (MaxLight 490) |
MBS6295276-5x01mL | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mL | 4250 EUR |
ELL2, CT (ELL2, RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2) (MaxLight 550) |
MBS6295277-01mL | MyBiosource | 0.1mL | 980 EUR |
L’enzima mutato del codone 65 RT espresso in modo ricombinante era resistente a ddCTP e ddATP nei saggi della polimerasi senza cellule. I risultati degli studi sugli enzimi mutanti sono coerenti con Lys-65 – >> Arg, che porta a cambiamenti nel legame delle forme trifosfato di questi analoghi nucleosidici a RT. Questi dati sono importanti per la ricerca futura sulla resistenza al ddC, in particolare per determinarne la rilevanza clinica.